Follow the steps below to install Halalware manually.
Download the Halalware zip file and open it.
Open your .minecraft directory. Depending on what operating system you're on, the location of this directory will vary. If you don't know where it is, you can find out by doing a google search.
Click "Navigate to the "versions" folder inside of .minecraft"
Drag the folder called "Halalware Beta 2.2" from the zip file into the "versions" folder
Open the Minecraft launcher, and click on "installations"
Click "New Installation" and search for "Halalware Beta 2.2"
Click on "install", and wait for the installation to finish.
If you're on windows and would like to use the installer, try following this tutorial instead.
Or, download the Halalware zip file and extract it to your desired location.
Download Zip File Download Installer (Java)